Monday, September 12, 2011

The Way The Dear Leader Is Paying For His "Jobs" Bill? Why WE Are!

If anyone is surprised, don't be. The Dear Leader, President Obama gave his vaunted "jobs speech" last Thursday. He implored congress to pass it now. At the time there was not an actual proposal.
Now, the Dear Leader, President Obama has made his proposal.
The tab for this "jobs bill" is about $447,000,000,000. And the Dear Leader, President Obama, wants to raise taxes by about $421,000,000,000.
Peachy, Baracky. Just peachy, Baracky.
And of course we are told that it is not really tax hikes. It is just "closing up loopholes" that the eeeeevvvvviiilllll rich have. You know, those people making over $250,000 a year.
Oops! Check that.
Guess what? Now an eeeeevvvvviiilllll rich b------ is an individual making $200,000 year.
See, wealth gets lowered when a Democrat is in charge. Figuratively and literally.
While again, we are told it is really ending so-called tax breaks, it is a tax hike, no matter how one Clintonizes the language. And what is funny is that all of this class warfare only raises about $400,000,000,000 according to the above linked article.
So where else does Team Dear Leader think the money is going to come from?
Well, here are three other areas that they believe they can get all the money to pay for this "jobs bill":

A proposal to treat carried interest earned by investment fund managers as ordinary income rather than taxing it at capital gains rates, which would raise $18 billion.

Eliminating certain oil and gas industry tax breaks that would raise $40 billion.

A change in corporate jet depreciation rules that would raise $3 billion

Yeah, make sure to nail those corporate jet people! And the equally eeeeevvvvviiilllll oil and gas companies! And if you just change the wording, making certain capital gains into regular income, well then you are not going after capital gains, right?!
Well, there you are. That is how the Dear Leader, President Obama, wants to pay for this "jobs bill".
It is called, spell it together, T A X E S!
It is a power grab to take money out of the private sector, give it to the government and let them dole it out to hire, well what exactly?
Why how about hiring teachers? That is where a lot of the money will go. And how about construction workers? They will be working on the shovel-ready projects. But wait, was that not supposed to happen when that so-called "stimulus" bill was passed in 2009? And what about police officers? By the way, do you notice that all mentioned will be working for. . .the government?!
Now to be fair, the Dear Leader, President Obama, does want to give some tax breaks to small business. Small businesses that hire chronically unemployed. That is defined as six months out of work or more. No, no, no. Not the most qualified. No, if they are not long-term unemployed, don't expect a break from the feds.
This is not serious. This is simply More Failed Stimulus Part Deux.
The Dear Leader, President Obama, is betting that congressional Republicans will give in because there are supposed tax cuts. But the tax hikes make the cuts, well not cuts at all. It is all flim-flam.
At the end of the day, this is about making the government bigger and more intrusive. And it is under the guise of a "jobs bill".
A "jobs bill" that will be an expensive one at the expense of private sector growth.

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