Sunday, September 11, 2011

Can We Ask What Is Wrong With Paul Krugman?

So called brilliant economist Paul Krugman is paid to write for the Gray Old Lady, The New York Times.
Do you wonder why they pay him at all when you read crap like this.
Really, on the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, D. C.?
OK, he basically says what the left really believes.
That it is wrong for us to have used the armed forces of the United States to go after the terrorists and their allies.
But lets start with the commemorations being subdued.
What the hell do you want, Paul? Do you want a celebration? I mean, hey dude, lets party! Its the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks! I do not know any better reason to get tanked!
What a douche bag you are, Paul.
Of course it should be subdued and reverent. After all, nearly 3,000 were killed on that fateful Tuesday in September.
But then Paul accuses people of "cashing in" on the terrorist attacks. And accuses certain people of being "fake heroes" such as former police commissioner Bernard Kerik, former mayor Rudy Giuliani and former president George W. Bush.
Exactly what does he mean by "fake heroes"?
I do not believe that any of the named men claimed to be heroes. In fact, they all seemed rather not comfortable being thrust in the spotlight as they were. Really Paul, do you think that these guys were salivating at something like this to happen so that they could "cash in"?
Once again Paul, you are a douche bag.
There is another paragraph of insipidness, but the last line shows the coward that Paul Krugman is:

I’m not going to allow comments on this post, for obvious reasons.

So what, because you don't want to "cash in" by offending people on a day that should not be like it is? Or is it because you are but a chicken. BAK! BAK! BAK! BAK! BAK! BAK! BAK!
I'm going with chicken.
If you truly believe that what you wrote is something good, edifying and worthwhile, have the testicles to defend it.
Because it is not the conscience of a liberal.
It is the rantings of an unhinged, over-the-edge Bush-hater.
Look, there is room to have an honest discussion on whether or not some of the actions after the terrorist attacks were the right thing to do. But Paul, you do not want to have that kind of dialogue. You want to do what you accuse the conservative side of doing. You want to smear and, quite honestly, make up stuff as you go along.
It is why conservatives tend to tire of people like Paul Krugman.
Because on the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, he throws a bomb on a somber day.

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