Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Can A Republican Defeat The Dear Leader In California?

Well, I do think that under the right conditions, it is possible that the Republican presidential candidate can defeat the Dear Leader, President Obama, in next year's presidential elections.
Consider this from of all places the Left Angeles Times.
Yesterday a poll was released that showed what I believe is an ominous sign for the Dear Leader, President Obama. That he is only at 50% positive in the poll. And 43% do not think he is doing a heck of a job.Once you get past the spin, that these are good numbers, the reality is that they are weak and bound to get weaker so long as the economy continues in major suckage. And yes, it sure is here in Blue California.
And this paragraph has to change if the Dear Leader, President Obama, does not want to be fighting for prize of California's 55 electoral votes:

By 50% to 43%, voters approved of Obama's handling of the presidency, down from a high of 60% a year after his election. But the state's three most potent voter groups — women, nonpartisan voters and Latinos — remained firmly in his corner. Fifty-five percent of women and nonpartisan voters were satisfied with the job the president is doing, a judgment shared by 59% of Latinos.

In a state like California, those numbers need to get higher and fast. Because at the end of the day, people are not going to be voting for the Hope and Change of the last election but what has he done for us lately.
Let's start with the Hispanic voters.
The Dear Leader, President Obama, should be in the mid to high 60 percent range. While he is in the high 50s, and with a bad economy teetering, that number can and will go lower.
Women and non-partisan voters are only at 55%. Among women in California, that should be a higher number. Meaning that there is a chance to at least split the women vote.
So, how can a Republican candidate make a race in California next year?
In the same poll, the numbers are not good for and of the Republican candidates.
Here is how the Dear Leader, President Obama, matches up against the announced Republican candidates:

Obama 57% Bachmann 31%
Obama 56% Perry 32%
Obama 54% Romney 35%

OK, these are not great numbers and Romney has the best at 35%.
But what will drive voters is the state of the economy. And whoever the Republican nominee is will have to pound it into the ground. That as long as the Dear Leader, President Obama, is ruining, er running, the show in the White House, a vote for him ensures another four years of a bad economy.
In another poll today in the same fish wrap, it appears that showing the complexity of the California voter. they seem to be more in the Republican line of thinking.
But in the same poll, voters want the Dear Leader, President Obama, to "stand up" to the Republicans. What ever that means. What, stand up and make larger budget cuts? Again, the complexity of the California voter is so damn hard, no wonder the Republicans give up early.
But here is the thing.
We California Republicans are at rock bottom. We hold not one of the constitutional offices. We are a minority in the state legislature. We only have 19 of the 53 congressional seats. Both senate seats are Democrat.
We need a boost. And the right Republican candidate will do just that.
My advice is simple. The issue that will win California for the Republicans is the economy. It will not matter if the nominee is Gov. Rick Perry (R-Texas), Mitt Romney, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, or yes, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin.
So long as they do not get into minutia and overly obsessed on social issues (those brought up by the left), then we may see a competitive race in in California.
That will be good not only for the Republican party, but the United States as well.
Nearly half of the voters that responded support the need to cut government spending.

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