Saturday, September 10, 2011

Michael Boobberg Should Be Impeached As New York City Mayor

As the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack is less than 24 hours away, it is absofinglutely amazing that the mayor of New York City, Michael Boobberg* is defending a decision that essentially dilutes the meaning of what happened that fateful Tuesday morn 10 years ago.Mayor Boobberg has excluded members of the clergy, fire and police first responders from the ceremonies tomorrow at Ground Zero.
The reason is, as I write, absolfinglutely amazing.
According to Mayor Boobberg,

“We just don’t have room for them.”

Whiskey?! Tango?! Foxtrot?!
Do not have room for those who can comfort and heal a nation that is still at war against radical Islamofacsist terrorists? Do not have room for those that risked life and limb to save many that fateful day?
So, Mayor Boobberg, who do you have room for?
Will there be room for politicians, like Mayor Boobberg? How about the Dear Leader, President Obama? After all, the Dear Leader, President Obama, gave us his take on why the events of 9/11 happened. Too bad that the 19 participants were all highly educated men. But you bet he will be there.
The justification that Mayor Boobberg regarding the clergy is that there is a separation of church and state in the constitution. Unfortunately, there is a differnce between a letter written by then President Thomas Jefferson to a group of Baptists and what is actually in the constitution. The relevant first amendment is this:

Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

So, Mayor Boobberg is wrong on this point. If he wanted a way of guidance, he could have looked at the National Prayer Service held in Washington, D. C. at the National Cathedral on Friday, September 14, 2001. There were representatives from Protestant Christianity, Roman Catholics, Jewish, Islamic, and I believe even non-monotheistic religious representation.
I guess had Mayor Boobberg been president then-God forbid-there would have not been such an event.
But why is there not representation of the first responders?
Again, Mayor Boobberg does address the fact that the families of the victims, many first responders, will be at the ceremonies.
But why not a stronger presence?
Again, no room at the inn would be His Honor's response.
It is not a good enough reason.
Make the room. Find a way. After all, this is the United States and the greatest city in the United States, New York City. You really mean to tell me that they can not have a few clergy and first responder survivors at a ceremony on the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks?
Of course not.
But this is par for the course and an attempt to whitewash what happened that day in September, 2001.
The United States was attacked by radical Islamofacsist terrorists in the worst attack on it's soil since the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. No, check that. Hawai'i was not even a state then. The worst attack by a foreign entity since the War of 1812.
There is no way to whitewash that and there should not be any whitewashing of the event.
People like Mayor Boobberg and his ilk are the problem. They do not want to deal with reality.
And their reality is kind of weird. That uniting all people from different faiths is bad. That you can't find some place for those that risked their lives and lived to tell about it.
No, I do not know why Mayor Boobberg is not impeached as mayor. He has been a terrible mayor and indeed undoing a lot of what Rudy Giuliani did as mayor. The good things.
I do not understand how this is what the tenth anniversary of the terror attacks of 9/11 has devolved into. And some one should answer for that. And that should be Mayor Michael Boobberg.

*Yes, I know it is Michael Bloomberg. But on this he is Boobberg!

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