Friday, April 22, 2011


Always confusing to me to celebrate a day in which a man, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, was executed in what has to be the most brutal forms of the process. By crucifixtion.
But that is what Good Friday is. A solemn celebration of the fufilment of Old Testament prophecy. That the Son of God must meet this fate.
But because he knew who he was while so many did not, Jesus Christ went to the cross. Nailed in his hands and feet. And fulfilled several of the prophecies of the Old Testatment.
For those of us in what is known as the liturgical church, we do no not celebrate the Holy Communion from now until the Great Vigil of Easter tomorrow night. A helpful guide is found here.
It is hard to think of this as a good day. Yet because of this, Jesus was resurrected and is sittith at the right hand of the father, as written in the Nicene Creed.
That is what I think about this day. Not the suffering of Christ. But the glory that comes with the resurrected Christ. That is the end result of the crucifiction.
That is why today is Good Friday. Not for the death, but the everlasting life.
So, Happy Good Friday!

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