Monday, April 25, 2011

Conservatives Can Not Be Seduced By Donald Trump

Amazing that Donald Trump, the real estate developer, television personality and self promoter par excelance is really thinking about running for president.
It is not like he has not flirted with it before.
Mr. Chump flirted with a third-party run in 2000. He was thinking about running in the Reform party. Then he wanted to run as a so-called fiscal conservative and social moderate. You know, like another blowhard named Benedict Arnold Schwarzenegger. And believe me, that drama has not ended well at all. Note in the above link that Mr. Chump wanted to raise taxes, promote protectionism and implement socialized medicine. Y
es, a real "fiscal conservative".
Now, The Donald as he is known is flirting with running for president once again. And he has a neat strategy. Raise the issue of whether or not the Dear Leader, President Obama, was born in Hawai'i or not. In other words, he is positioning himself as the most prominent "Birther" this side of Charlie Sheen.
And if we are to believe the latest incarnation of Mr. Chump, he is trying to be a born-again conservative and saying the right things, in general, to garner support.
My fellow conservatives and Republicans.
Firstly, Mr. Chump has been all over the place politically.
Until now, he has been at best a nominal Republican. Yes, he has spread his political cash around. Some has gone to Republicans as Sen. John "F--- You" McCain, former House speaker Newt Gingrich and former President George W. Bush. But, he has also supported such Democrats as the late Sen. Ted Kennedy and current Sen. John Kerry, and current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
But beyond this, what I want to know is where does Mr. Chump stand on taxes? Does he want to raise them as he once advocated? Does he believe in tax reform? If so, what kind? A consumption tax? A flat income tax? And what about the Ryan budget plan? What does he believe about federal entitlement programs? What will he do about Social Security? Medicare? Medicaid?
And as far as social policy, what does he feel about federal judges? What kind of judges would he appoint to the bench? Where does he stand on the Second Amendment? On same-sex marriage (apperantly he is against it, but has not elaborated)? On abortion (again, he says that he is pro-life, but no elaboration)?
And foreign policy. We know that he believes Red China is an economic threat to the United States. But what would he do differently about it? Does he believe that there is a real threat from radical Islam? Does he believe that we are indeed in a struggle much like the Cold War against Soviet Communism?
See, while the Obamawhore media is orgasmic that Mr. Chump has put himself in with Birthers, and he keeps going along for the ride, where are the serious policy questions?
This is why I can not even think about this potential candidacy as a serious one.
What is troubling is that some conservatives are kind of flirting with Mr. Chump. Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham are two that come to mind that do not dismiss Mr. Chump out of hand.
And he should be.
Mr. Chump has been like dung politically-all over the place. He does not have moorings of a principled conservative.
There are other candidates that are not my favorites, but I could be with them if they win the Republican nomination. Mr. Chump, well I am hoping he does not make it that far.
Because while some conservatives may like his "straight talk" I think that there are a lot of forks in that straight talk road. We must hold Donald Chump as accountable as any other Republican seeking the highest office in the land.

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