Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sen. McCain Already Looks Presidential

For this post, I will not refer to the Republican presidential nominee in waiting as Sen. John "F--- You" McCain. He is for this post Sen. McCain
The reason is that while Sen. Barack has to explain away his crazy uncle, er pastor, and Sen. Clinton sits back and laughs, Sen. McCain is travelling in the Middle East already looking like the president that he will be next year at this time.
Oh yes, it is bittersweet to write, but Sen. John McCain will be president and it is this trip to the Middle East that seals the deal with the American people.
So far, Sen. McCain has not done and or said anything wrong. He is meeting all the right people and avoiding those that will be nothing but an embarrassment. And once again, he started in Iraq and shows that as president, he will never hesitate to go to the front lines in the War Against Islamofacsist Terror. And that is something neither of the Democrat candidates for president can say.
Sen. McCain is calling this a congressional fact-finding trip, but that is a wee bit o' straight poop. Two of those along for the ride are Sens. Joe Lieberman (ID-Conn) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), two of the senator's leading supporters. But, so what? I think they may be members of a future McCain cabinet and while they have some faults and one is not a Republican, they are supporters of the War Against Islamofacsist Terror. Too bad it could not have included Sen. Barack or Sen. Clinton. But they are too busy tearing each other to shreds to actually care about the focus of American foreign policy.
But, Sen. McCain and company do realize that while there are serious problems brewing with the economy, it is going to matter who is the commander-in-chief. And that, my friends, is the strong suit of Sen. McCain.
And that is what the American people are seeing, although it is getting sandwiched in between Spitzergate and his philandering succesor and Sen. Barack and the racist pastor.
Sen. McCain needs to keep up the aspect of his candidacy on the foreign policy issue of out time and focus hard on relaying to the American people that it will matter who the president is in this time of war. Sen. McCain is not for retreat and defeat. He is for victory. And not just in Iraq but in Afghanistan and all over the world where these Islamofacsist scum kill American soldiers and plot their next bloody assault on the United States.
Sen. McCain is transforming in our eyes as President McCain and the more he makes these kind of trips and explains his vision of the United States in the world in the 21st century, the more he looks like president of the United States.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

McCain is the Aaron Burr of modern American politics.