Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Let's Talk About Obama's Church

Since the Dinosaur, Drive-By, Mainstream Media spent much of the early Republican primary season assaulting Mitt Romney and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Mormons, maybe it is time to look at the Church of St. Barack Obama.
And, what a church it is!
St. Barack is a member of and attends Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago http://tucc.org.
Now, as noted in this blog several times, the UCC is the most liberal denomination in American Christendom. Makes my Episcopal Church look like the Southern Baptist Convention!
But Trinity, well Trinity is a church that is a, how can I write this, a black church. Not any black church but "Unashamedly Black and Unaplogetically Christian."
Now, I do not understand what it is to be unashamedly black. Of course there is not one thing to be ashamed of. It is how God created his people. I do understand being unaplogetically Christian. One should never have to apologize for being a follower of Jesus Christ.
But I think where it goes off the rails is the 10-point "Vision" of the Trinity United Church of Christ:
1) A congregation committed to ADORATION.
2) A congregation preaching SALVATION.
3) A congregation actively seeking RECONCILIATION.
4) A congregation with a non-negotiable COMMITMENT TO AFRICA.
5) A congregation committed to BIBLICAL EDUCATION.
6) A congregation committed to CULTURAL EDUCATION.
8) A congregation committed to LIBERATION.
9) A congregation committed to RESTORATION.
10) A congregation committed to ECONOMIC PARITY.
Where do I begin?
Nothing wrong with the first three points. It is traditional Christian thinking.
But, what does a commitment to Africa have to do with spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Or "cultural education?" What does that mean? Obviously it is an "African" education.
And what about a "Historical education of African people in Diaspora?" Now, we know that blacks where brought out of Africa, at the hands of other blacks, mostly through the slave trade. Is St. Barack's church teaching that? I doubt it.
"Liberation" means black liberation. But what are they liberating? Do they want to take over the United States? Do they want a black "homeland" here? Do they want to go back to Africa?
And "economic parity" is clear. Socialism.
This "church" had been led by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, but he is being replaced this year. He had been spewing this rubbish for 36 years.
Basically, what Trinity preaches is a ostensibly black, Christian separatist movement.
Not one thing unifying about it.
It is no wonder that Pastor Wright does not see anything wrong with "Minister" Louis Farakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam. Mr. Farakhan is one of the most racist religious leaders in the United States. He, like Pastor Smith, believes in black separatism.
Now, the question is does St. Barack support all of this rubbish? If he does, then how can he run as the candidate of change and hope and unity? Is that just for "disadvantaged" blacks? And, what was St. Barack doing as a "community organizer" in the first place?
Again, Mormon doctrine was under attack and Mitt Romney had do explain it as much as possible. Why does St. Barack get a pass? And should he?
Go to the Trinity website, look it over and judge for yourself. I have and it is very disturbing and we all need to know more about this "church".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For more on the UCC, go to http://www.ucctruths.com