Monday, March 03, 2008

Gloria Steinem Is A Moral Midget

Ah, one of the Grand Dames of the left-wing feminist movement, Gloria Steinem, proved over the weekend that she is nothing but a moral midget in slamming Sen. John "F--- You" McCain over his time as a "guest" of the Hanoi Hilton.
According to Miss Steinem:
Suppose that John McCain had been Joan McCain, had got captured, shot down and had been a POW for eight years? "What did you do wrong to get captured? What terrible things did you do there while a prisoner for eight years." I mean, hello? This is supposed to be a qualification to be president? I don't think so.
One does not know where to start, but I will correct the order of events, firstly.
John McCain was shot down and then taken prisoner and it was for five years.
Now that the time line is straight, what I do not understand is the female-male analogy.
Is Miss Steinem suggesting that a Joan McCain would have done something wrong to get shot down and captured? And that she would have been a sell-out while in captivity? That is so wrong. Miss Steinem is playing the victim card with gusto. She is putting women back oh, say about a hundred years at the short end. If a woman had been in the same exact circumstance as John McCain, she would have done the same thing.
As far as a qualification for being president, no it is no better than Sen. John Kerry possibly fabricating stories to obtain his medals. And being in the armed services does not make anyone more or less qualified to be elected president.
I have spent a lot of time on this blog writing about the political disagreements I have with Sen. "F--- You" McCain. But they are not personal. It is about policy. Even the "F--- You" McCain is nothing more than a little humor over his "F--- You" bomb to Sen. John Cornyn of Texas during the infamous immigration bill-scam debate.
But I will NEVER, EVER denigrate his character or what he endured as a prisoner of the brutal Red Vietnamese. John McCain went through unmentionable hell as a prisoner. He came back physically a broken man, to a nation that was so torn it could not show him the proper gratitude he and so many others deserved for going to a war that the United States did not have the will to win.
That is why I know that he wants the United States to not only win in the Iraq theatre in the War Against Islamofascist Terror, but to defeat the Islamoterrorists all over the world. John McCain know better than most Americans what it is like to not only lose a war, Vietnam, but to come home to a seemingly ungrateful nation.
It is why at the end of the day, I will cast my vote for Sen. John "F--- You" McCain. For if the terrorists are afraid of President Bush, they will be petrified at a President McCain.
For Gloria Steinem to use the abuse that John McCain took at the hands of the Red Vietnamese and mock it shows why she is nothing but an ignorant, moral midget. And, Hillary Clinton should apologize to Sen. McCain yesterday.

1 comment:

Pat Jenkins said...

i wonder if miss steinem would judge one "just" being a first lady in the same context 64?