Tuesday, January 24, 2006

You Did It!

You did it! By your NOT watching, the dreaded "Book of Daniel" is being cancelled! HOORAY!
By scoring abysmal ratings, NBC saw the writing on the wall.
To have a successful television show, one thing you must have is sponsors.
You can't run a hour-long promo for your network and prop up a dismal show that the Book of Daniel was.
Now that the ratings are getting lower and lower each week for an equally abysmal show, Commander in Chief on ABC, we can only hope that it is the next show on the cutting room floor.
It is not censorship that some of your liberal friends might suggest but the power of the viewer who, in this increasingly technical age, have many viewing options. Gone are the days when the big three television networks dictated the viewing habits of the American people. There is serious competition and these networks better get a clue.
The moral of this?
Bad television=cancellation!

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