Monday, October 10, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Continues To Deteriorate

Yeah, I should take seriously the "Occupy Wall Street" fringe when it appears that it has deteriorated into a Woodstock Bacchanalia rather than something serious and taking their issues seriously.
Make no mistake.
The issues that the "Occupy Wall Street" crowd wants to see are real and, well a leftytopia not even the Dear Leader, President Obama, could imagine in his wildest leftist dreams.
Now the above link has a disclaimer that it is the wet dream of one lefty submitter. But let's face it. That is the agenda of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement.
Yet what has happened when it appears as The Daily Mail link shows public sex. A man dumping a load on a police car. Boxes of empty condom boxes. Yeah, this is the vanguard of a political movement that I assume wants to be taken seriously.
If the movement does not take off in a sense that is serious, one may look back and see these vermin as the reason why.
That is to many people.
Me, I think that the leaders are to be taken seriously. The leaders of this movement will do all that it can to take the Dear Leader, President Obama, and the Democrat party much further to the left. While that may play well in, oh I do not know, maybe San Francisco and places like that, it is hard to see what Middle America will make of this.
And not just Middle America but as an American president once said, The Silent Majority. Which is not just Middle America.
Again, look at the list of demands. Sure, the leaders want to distance themselves from the bluntness of the agenda, but not the agenda itself.
It is not just pitting maybe 10% against the 90% of Americans that think they are crazy lefttopiasts. But it is the aggressiveness these people wished the Tea Party movement had.
And make no mistake. If they want to, it will get ugly. These vermin will riot because that is what they know how to do. Cause trouble and produce no solutions.
Yet the image that may truly emerge is that of oversexed, drug-out youts that are not victims of the "oppressive" state. But they are hijacking a movement that may end up helping lead to its eventual demise.
One can only hope so.

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