Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I Am Not Any Percenter-I Am An American!

OK, since the whacknut lefty "occupiers" claim that they represent me, you know the 99%. And then there are the eeeeevvvvviiilllll one percenters. Now there are the 53 percenters.
I am not a percenter.
I am that American that you often hear and or read about. One that is feeling that no one listens to him or her.
See, I blog because I believe in sharing my thoughts of the world as I see it. But I do not do this to pay the bills.
I have a regular 8 to 5 job. One that sometimes is great and sometimes that sucks. I often do not feel appreciated and then something happens that changes that for if but not a few moments of my day. I do not feel like I am paid enough most days. Yet I go to work because how else will I put food on the table? Clothes on my body? Have a roof over our head? Yeah, you get the picture.
When I am not working and or blogging, I am active in my church and my world takeover group, the Freemasons. I am trying to give back and help those see the true meaning of the Gospel in my church. And be a better man by example in my Masonic lodge.
And like everyone else, Mrs. RVFTLC and I enjoy a meal out. A quick trip.
In other words, by the grace of God we are living the American dream.
But lately, it has been a nightmare.
While we were fortunate to be able to become homeowners at a later stage of life, the reality of that came in the mail yesterday.
Our first property tax bill.
And it was eye opening.
Thanks to Proposition 13, we pay one percent of the assessed value of our home. Yet we pay about .06% in additional taxes. You know, the taxes either passed by our state legislature or through ballot innitivives.
And when I hear people say that people like me do not pay our "fair share", now I can tell them "Yes I do!"
I do not resent paying taxes. I resent paying above and beyond and told it is not enough.
I resent that our government lies to us about something like inflation.
Hey, have any of the politicians been to a supermarket recently? Well, they must not because it appears that food prices are going up. Pretty darn fast if you ask me. Yet we are told that inflation is low if not non-existent.
Sure, yeah right!
We are told that it is OK for the federal government to grant loan guarantees to companies like Solyndra. And they go bankrupt. And we, the taxpayers, are left holding the bag. We are also told that only the government can bring about the "Green revolution" that will create this industry and jobs.
No, it is the innovation of people and capital that will bring that about.
We are told by our government that if we just take some more money from the so-called one percent, give to them, they will produce jobs.
Whiskey! Tango! Foxtrot! Really? When has that ever worked? Like, nevah!
We, the majority, are tired of giving to those that openly do not want to be productive members of society.
So see, the "occupiers" do not and never will speak for me.
I am proud to be and always will be proud to be an American.
It is not about government and all of that. It is the idea that we can be anything we want to be. That we have had the freedom to do what we want, so long as it did not hurt anyone else. That we can work, make enough money to buy that home. Or not. Take care of ourselves and each other. Without a government or any other middleman.
That is what the Tea Party has been all about.
Now come these thugs saying they are "occupying" Wall Street and other cities across the United States. And they are the base of our society. People who think that they are owed something for nothing.
No, I do not think so. That is not the American way.
Sure, there are those that have fallen on hard times. Those are the people we want to and should help. But not able-bodied people that are in it for the bennies. You know, the government benefits.
So that is why I am not any kind of percenter. But I am an American. And continue to fight for the values that made this the Shinning City On The Hill.

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