Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Why I Am Not High On Pawlenty

I have to admit, I just have had a shrug every time people mention the former Minnesota governor, Tim Pawlenty and his presidential campaign.
I mean, he seems like a nice guy. Was a decent governor in Minnesota. Had a Democrat legislature his whole tenure. Governed as conservative as one could under the circumstances.
But something has nagged me about Mr. Pawlenty and why I shrug on the one hand and shudder that he could be the Republican presidential nominee against the Dear Leader, President Obama.
The fact is that Mr. Pawlenty was the first sitting Republican governor to endorse Sen. John "F--- You" McCain for the Republican nod in 2008.
I think that alone should be a disqualifier.
But National Review's Andrew McCarthy finds that Mr. Pawlenty also seems to endorse the McCain foreign policy as well.
Now, Sen. "F--- You" McCain is more often right than wrong, especially on the surge in the Iraq theatre in the War Against Islamofacsist Terror.
But let us note that Sen. Goober, aka Lindsey Graham, Sen. "F--- You" McCain's shadow and butt-boy, says that congress should just "shut up"| and let the Dear Leader, President Obama, lie about our role in the Libya kinetic action.
No, congress should not shut up. The president owes it some kind of say in how we as a nation should proceed and what are we doing in the first place.
But it is not just on foreign policy that I have my doubts on Mr. Pawlenty.
Mr. Pawlenty is a believer in Globaloney Warming. Although now he claims that there is no such thing. Funny, Sen. "F--- You" McCain tried to dance that one to nowhere in 2008. And while he now lectures the Iowa voters how terrible the ethanol subsidies are, guess who signed a bill mandating a 20% mixture of gas and enthaol?
T-Paw, of course.
Now, he is running on our side on the issue of Globaloney Warming. But the record and the past need to be thoroughly threshed out.
These are but a few issues I have with T-Paw, as he is known.
But mostly to me, it is his very early support for Sen. John "F--- You" McCain for president.
It is a sign that he is tied way too much to the establishment wing of the GOP and not with the base.
But, maybe he can evolve.
Remember, Ronald Reagan was a Democrat.

1 comment:

An Unmarried Man said...

I like the fact you somehow sneaked "butt-boy" into a post!

Pawlenty seems like the bland kind of boring politician who might be the Republican weapon of choice against equally bland Barack bin-Nappin'.