Sunday, July 31, 2011

Here We Conservatives Go Again Not Fighting The Real Enemy

I just do not understand this juvenile debate between certain conservatives about keeping people out of the movement because of disagreements over certain aspects of agenda.
I read that the American Conservative Union, sponsors of CPAC are not going to invite GOProud, a group of gay and lesbian, conservative Republicans, the annual confab next year.
And I ask why are we not including those that are with us in the general conservative movement?
The fact that I believe conservatives need to unite against the common political enemy, the Dear Leader, President Obama, and the Democrats.
Do I agree with all aspects of what GOProud does?
Any regular reader of this blog knows that I strongly oppose the redefinition of marriage.
Yet when one looks at the the type of legislation that GOProud supports, I do not see same-sex marriage on the list.
And actually my disagreement is that they support the "Fair tax" as opposed to a flat tax. But by and large, it is a conservative agenda. I do not see anything that promotes the homosexual left agenda. Yes, they do support same-sex marriage, but so what?
But, some of my conservative brethren that are more socially conservative seem to not understand that having a natural ally that GOProud is on the outs somehow gains voters. These social conservatives seem to not understand that there are always going to be some disagreements on major issues.
But I submit this to my So. Con. friends.
Two candidates for office, one Democrat, one Republican.
The Democrat is pro-same sex marriage. Pro-abortion. Anti-prayer in public schools. Wanting to use schools to promote the left-wing socialist utopia. And wants massive tax hikes. Institute more social spending.
The Republican is on the opposite side of every issue except same-sex marriage. Oh, and he is gay.
Oh, and this can change the balance of power either in a city, county, state house or congress.
Really, would you either not vote or vote for the Democrat because you just can not vote for a gay man that you really agree with on most issues?
I would feel a helluva lot better voting for that candidate than I did voting for Benedict Arnold Schwarzenegger twice.
Again, we need to focus on the big picture.
The Dear Leader, President Obama, and his allies are thrusting the left-wing homosexual agenda and many who are do not think that way. They believe in individual responsibility. They believe that less government is also a way to promote a more tolerate public. And I believe that as well.
I welcome all allies in the movement. The conservative movement. A movement to rid our Great Land of the plague that is the modern Democrat party and the leadership of one Barack Hussien Obama.
I want to win this time. With a really solid conservative at the top of the ticket. I want that to be the most electable conservative Republican possible. And we need to stop fighting each other. We just did that with the John Boehner crap sandwich deal. And it eventually won. But when it came down to it, overwhelmingly conservative Republicans supported the effort. Not perfect, but better than what would have passed under the Democrat leadership. And would have had tax increases.
Lets put aside this childishness and get together to agree where we can and look at the very big picture.
CPAC, let GOProud be a part of and a sponsor of CPAC in 2012

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