Friday, July 01, 2011

Mark Halpern, The Dear Leader A D--- And Some Gal Named Michelle Goldberg

Hmm, the past couple of days have been interesting as an Obamawhore media flunky tells the truth about his god, the Dear Leader, President Obama. And The reaction is surprising and swift. And the strange rantings of another Obamawhore media flunky shows how strange things are in the U. S. of A in the Age o' Obama.
First, there is the Obamawhore media flunky, Mark Halperin.
He is on the state-sponsored "news" network, MSNBC quite often as a political "analyst". Read, explaining the Dear Leader, President Obama's ramblings to the masses. Or the three people still watching MSNBC.
On Wednesday, thinking that the microphone was off, a huge mistake on a good day, Mr. Halperin had this dialogue:

Mark Halperin: Are we on the seven second delay?

Mika Brzezinski: Lordy.

Halperin: I wanted to characterize how the president behaved.

Scarborough: We have it. We can use it. Go for it. Let's see what happens.

Brzezinski: We're behind you, you fall down and we catch you.

Halperin: I thought he was a dick yesterday.

Scarborough: Delay that. delay that. what are you doing? I can't believe -- I was joking. Don't do that. Did we delay that?

Halperin: I said it. I hope it worked.

Scarborough: My mom is watching! We'll know whether it worked.

Yeah, Mr. Halperin called the Dear Leader, President Obama, what many of us call him about 321,613 times a day.
A dick.
Now, according to, here are two meanings of the word:

the penis. (Usually objectionable. Currently the most publicly used word for this organ.) : She told some dirty joke about a dick, but everybody just sat there and looked straight ahead.
a stupid person, usually a male. (Rude and derogatory.) : What stupid dick put this thing here in the way?

Now I think that Mr. Halperin meant the latter. But this is the Dear Leader, President Obama, after all. When many say it in reference to the Dear Leader, President Obama, it is both.
And as soon as Mr. Halperin said it, a call from the White House "press" secretary, aks director of propaganda, Jay Carney, and POOF! He has been suspended indefinitely from further appearances on MSNBC.
Hey, Mark, maybe you can go on a few Fox News Channel shows in the meantime.
A little background as to why Mr. Halperin made his reference to the Dear Leader being a dick, it was the reaction to Wednesday's "press" conference.
Well, writing a slobbering book about how the Dear Leader became the leader of the Free World is not enough for some Obamawhore media flunkies.
Enter one Michelle Goldberg.
She is a writer for the obnoxious online Daily Beast. Miss Goldberg's bio is straight out of Obamawhore Media Central.
The money verbage comes right in the beginning:

Here’s why Mark Halperin is a disgrace. It’s not because he used a mild obscenity to describe our president on Morning Joe, disrespectful as that was. Rather, it was the circumstances of the slur. Right now, the Republican Party is threatening to blow up the world economy unless Democrats agree to savage cuts in spending while refusing any of the revenue increases that all serious economists say are necessary to actually address the national debt. Obama, whose greatest fault in office has been a misplaced faith in the GOP’s capacity for reasonableness, went on television and chided the party for this stance. Apparently, this struck Halperin as unreasonable. His response embodies all that’s rotten and shallow about D.C.’s pundit class, which fetishizes bipartisanship even as it only demands it of one political party.

Get it? It is the R E P U B L I C A N S that are on the precipice of "destroying" the world's economy. Nah, not Greece. Certainly not Ireland. Or Portugal or Spain. And "savage cuts" in the whale blubber that is known as the federal government. Yeah, sure Michelle. And please Michelle, call it tax hikes. At least that would be honest. Something you essentially accuse Mr. Halperin of not being. And yet, it is the Dear Leader, President Obama, who is Mr. Bipartisan according to Michelle.
Oy vey!
Michelle's last line is a friggin' doozy:

His response embodies all that’s rotten and shallow about D.C.’s pundit class, which fetishizes bipartisanship even as it only demands it of one political party.

Yes, and it may shock Michelle that the demand is always made of the R E P U B L I C A N S to be bipartisan. It always has to be the Republicans to agree to Democrat ideas and or demands. Only one Ronald Reagan turned that around. Yet before and since, the fetish of the pundit class is that the Republicans must give in to the Democrats. The leftywhore media loved it when former President George H. W. Bush broke the 1988 campaign promise of raising taxes. It did so much good that Mr. Bush 41 had his hat handed to him in 1992. And yeah, the Dems and candidate Bill Clinton turned his raising taxes against him.
And this is what is wrong with the Obamawhore media.
They are propagandists, enablers and have given up any pretense of playing it down the middle.
The irony is when one of the Obamawhores slip and speak truth to power, well that can not go unpunished. And scorn must be heaped upon this guy, Halperin. And the laugh is when a fellow traveller accuses Mr. Halperin of having some bipartisan fetish that she does not realize is one sided and has been for eons.
Really, it is just fun to nibble on the popcorn and watch these people implode.

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