Monday, June 06, 2011

What Is In The Water In New York State?!

Ooh boy! Or should it be oy vey?! This Anthony Weiner is guilty, guilty, guilty! He is one sick puppy.
My two questions are real easy. One, when will he resign? He says that he won't, but any support is already begining to evaporate. Two, when does this guy find the time to do the people's business as their congressional representative? Maybe this will help answer question number one. I can't answer number two. Help me out on that one, will ya?!

Well, just when one thinks Weinergate does not get worse, S U R P R I S E! It does. According to The Other McCain, there is now a photo sent by the self-procaimed ladies-man showing him. . shirtless. If you read the rest of this, note that is all it took for Christoper Lee to resign. I do not see how this guy survives the week. And if not, maybe he can join Mr. Lee where ever he is.

OK, I have had little to comment on Congressman Anthony Weiner and his Twitter dalliance.
But I would like to ask this question no one has asked.
What the heck is in the water in New York state?
I mean, there is former congressman Christopher Lee.
Why is he a former congressman?
Well, because one does not run as social conservative then post a weird photo of ones' self on Craigslist shirtless. That is why Mr. Lee is former Congressman Lee. And to his credit, he did not fight with ridiculous assertions that someone else took a photo. Or photoshopped it. And Mr. Lee did the honorable thing and resigned.
Now this with Congressman Weiner. Appearantly, he likes to show the bulging samami, Kosher of course, off and send a tweet of it to some hottie follower of his on Twitter.
Now the married Congressman Weiner fancies himself a ladies man. I mean, read America's great newspaper, the New York Post and you will know why.
And do you not find it odd that this congressman has time to follow roughly about 140 gals on Twitter?
But may I ask again, what is it with the water in New York state?
And why do these guys think that they can get away with being pervs?
And when is Congressman Weiner going to join Mr. Lee and resign?
It seems that all I have are questions.
I leave it to you faithful readers to help me out on this one.

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