Monday, June 20, 2011

More Stupidity About The Current Republican Party

Ahh, former congressman Joe Scarbourough is desperately trying to remake the Republican party. And he is not alone.
Watch all of this if you could. But Mr. Scarbourough has moved away from being a conservative to something like, well a Colin Powell Republican. That would be a liberal Republican or a conservative Democrat. Not really exactly the Republican party that Ronald Reagan had in mind.
Although Mr. Reagan would often work with Democrats in the House to pass conservative legislation, that was when there really were conservative Democrats.
If you can find a real moderate and or conservative Democrat, let me know. And don't tell me what about Sen. Joe Lieberman (ID-Conn.).
I get it. That Colin Powell would not have gone willy nilly into such endeavors such as Afghanistan and Iraq. But the whole Powell agenda would look rather Democrat on domestic policy. Pro taxes, pro same-sex marriage, pro "choice", pro bigger government emanating from Washington.
OK, lets go on with the establishment pushing former Utah governor Jon Huntsman, Jr. for the White House? Come on, do you really think that Mr. Huntsman really came in an honest second in the Republican Leadership Conference straw poll this past weekend? There is speculation that Mr. Huntsman and his political team actually paid, paid for people to fly into New Orleans and vote for Mr. Huntsman. BTW, was not Mitt Romney often accused of this last presidential Death March in 2008? Why is it OK for Team Huntsman to do this, but not Team Romney?
Methinks it is because of who is actually advising Mr. Huntsman. As I noted in this post, way too many of Sen. John "F--- You" McCain's cronies. Yeah, enough reason to keep this Huntsman far away from the GOP nod.
Speaking of Sen. "F--- You" McCain and his lapdog, Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC), now they are accusing Republicans of being isolationist. Why? Because many of us actually believe that the Dear Leader, President Obama, should go to congress if he wants to wage war in Libya. Oops! My bad. That would be kinetic military action. Call it what you will, it is still taking American forces to assist NATO to force out the Libyan dictator, Khadafy.
If that is not enough, there is always Sen. Goober for some comedy relief.
Sen. Goober, do you not think that it was the correct thing for former President George W. Bush to go to congress to ask for authorization to go to war with the Taliban in Afghanistan? To take out Saddam in Iraq? Would you have liked it if Mr. Bush just went in willy nilly? Crickets chirping. That is all we are asking the Dear Leader, President Obama to do. And I believe that the Dear Leader will get the authorization. Yeah Sen. Goober, there is a little something called the constitution.
What all this will do is give the Obamawhore media fuel to add to the Republican fire. They will continue to drive home this "civil war" within the Republican party. The fact is that there are and always have been divisions within the Republican party. There has always been a moderate, even liberal wing. By and large, that is no longer the case. And the same is for the Democrats the other way. Yet the same Obamawhore media sure will not expose Democrat divisions.
The left and their media allies want to push an agenda. My advice to the Republicans of all stripes is not to let them get away with it. That is leadership. That is what Ronald Reagan showed in an even more hostile environment. Time for the Republicans as a whole to stop this agenda.

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