Saturday, May 31, 2008

An Act Of Non-Courage

Call me the cynical one, but I do not buy the sudden change of heart of Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill) in now, after all that has come out about it, his leaving the Trinity United Church Of Christ after all that has come out.
There is way too much to bring up in this post.
But, the last straw was the rantings of a radical Roman Catholic priest preaching in the Trinity pulpit this past Sunday.
"Father" Michael Pfleger is another one of these very radical preachers who buy into the liberation theology movement that seemed to have been quashed in the Roman Catholic church by the late Pope John Paul II.
But, not with this winner. "Father" Pfleger leads a black Roman Catholic church in around the same location as Trinity. His church is St. Sabina. And, like the "Rev" Jeremiah Wright, "Father" Pfleger is one who is inflamatory to say the least.
"Father" Pfleger decided to "preach" about, I kid you not, the privilages of Sen. Hillary Clinton. Oh, and how she can not believe that a black man named Obama was "stealing" the Democrat nomination from her.
Forgot to note that "Father" Pfleger is white and in his rant somehow has the edge of the "Rev." Wright down pat. Almost can't tell the difference.
Since the Pfleger controversy surfaced and became another boil on the Obama campaign backside, I guess the Illinois senator realized that the more he was seen as a congragant of Trinity, the more that the controversy of Trinity and the Roman Catholic St. Sabina would haunt him.
In an act of non-courage, Sen. Barack is leaving the Trinity United Church Of Christ.
Oh, the Obamagasmics in the Dinosaur, Drive-By, Mainstream Media are going to tout this as such an act of courage.
But, it is not.
It is the cheapest act of political expediency in this election season.
It shows that the real reason Sen. Barack joined the church in the first place was not because the "Rev." Wright brought him to Jesus Christ. It was to gain street cred in his aspirations of being a "communtiy organizer"-re: community agitator.
And this is the unifying Messiah that the DDBMSM wants to foist on the American people?
The more one sees and hears Sen. Barack, the more one realizes that this is a real neophyte and, worse, a real dyed-in-the wool European-style socialist.
While that is good news for Republican presidential nominee, Sen. John "F--- You" McCain, it is bad news for the Democrat party.
Political courage is in real short supply this Death March of a political season and this latest act from Sen. Barack is another act of non-courage that has gripped this campaign on both sides.
Would one of these candidates show some political courage? Is that too much to ask?


Pat Jenkins said...

well said 64.... maybe you can welcome obama to your home church since he is a man without a place of worship now... he he!!!

Righty64 said...

Yes, I am just frustrated that these candidates are always on some "I will not do anything courageous" kick! I mean, if Sen. Barack had said the truth in the begining about Trinity, he would have prevented all of this. And if Sen. McCain had said that he did not know Pastor Hagee from the Queen of England and that he would not reject his endorsement, that would be "Straight Talk". And our pastor is also black at my church. But, he actually believes in RECONCILIATION, not black separatism.