Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Here Comes The Left Trying To Being "Moral Equivalincy" Between The "Rev." Wright And Conservative Chirstians

Here we go!
Now, the DDBMSMers are desperately trying their level best to make the rantings of America's favorite crazy uncle, the "Rev." Jeremiah Wright nothing more than some of the more rantings of some conservative Christian pastors.
I commented on Frank Rich beginning the march by trying to write that an endorsement by Pastor John Hagee for GOP presumptive nominee, Sen. John "F--- You" McCain is the same as having crazy uncle "Rev." Wright as Sen. Barack's spiritual guide.
Today, Dennis Prager http://pragerradio.com gave us the apologetics of one Roland Martin, a CNN contributor and another Christian minister.http://rss.townhall.com/trackback/dennisprager/50da2685-4a45-40a7-af3e-12a27390a603/
This Martin fellow went on to bring up the usual suspects in the Christian left's fevered-swamp minds. You, know, the late Rev. Jerry Falwell, the Rev. Pat Robertson, now Pastor Hagee. The only one that Rev. Martin did not throw in is the reprobate Pastor Fred Phelps. Ah, I am sure that is coming.
It is as if in the 2000 election, Sen. John McCain did not get into trouble for condemning the likes of Falwell and Robertson. It is why he lost the GOP nomination.
How about the DDBMSM going insane for then candidate Gov. George W. Bush speaking at Bob Jones University. You know, ol Roman Catholic hating Bob Jones. It was and is a delicious moment when the DDBMSM suddenly defends the one group that it hates more than conservative Christians-traditional Roman Catholics.
Bottom line is this. What the "Rev." Wright "preaches" is a totally different type of Christianity. Black liberation Christian theology. It is not that it is unique to the "Rev." Wright. Apparently there are many a black preacher that believes what the "Rev." Wright believes. Except, they do not seem to have the eloquence of the retired "Reverend".
No one, but no one who has a sliver of an objective mind can compare and stray down the racist road. After all, it is the "Rev." Wright that has preached racism. And, the comparisons to others is irrelevant. Because the man that has a good shot of being elected president of the United States, Sen. Barack, sat in Trinity United Church of Christ for 20 years. And no one with the same sliver of an objective mind can say that none of what the erstwhile pastor "preached" did not have an effect on Sen. Barack. And that is the issue. And, it is not going away anytime soon and it should not.


Pat Jenkins said...

well done 64. what do you think are the chances of finding another wright in anywhere usa throwing out the same message? pretty good i would believe. who will very much be supporting mr. obama. i wonder if these pastors will be unearhted by the media? i think we both know the answer to that!!!

Righty64 said...

Well, it will be the new media. Talk radio, bloggers like us and the internet. And one last suspect-Sen. Hillary Clinton. Sure, she will work hard for the Democrat nominee-Sen. Barack-as she sinks her knife deep in his back!