Thursday, May 08, 2008

Those Racist Dems

Overlooked in the Death match to the Democrat presidential nomination is the fact that both Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are now out of the closet. . .as racists!
Oh, to Sen. Barack's credit, he is of the closet variety. Only rolling up roughly 90% of the black vote in North Carolina this past Tuesday. This from the candidate that was to transcend race and partisanship. No, Sen. Barack is just another politician who knows that if there is no 90% of the black vote in states like North Carolina and to a lesser extent Indiana, the Grand Dragon herself, Sen. Clinton becomes the Democrat nominee.
Why is Sen. Clinton the Grand Dragon?
Because the desperate New York senator went so far as to say, I kid you not, that she gets the majority of white, working class voters. And, regrettably, that is true.
If this were going on in the Republican party at this point, the Dinosaur, Drive-By, Mainstream Media would be all over this like bees to honey.
But, it is the Democrats and we all know that they never, never play the race card.
Only if it will help whoever uses it.
I think that Grand Dragon, er Sen. Clinton is showing desperation by bringing up the obvious. The fact was also delivered by no less a Clinton supporter than the governor of Pennsylvania, Ed Rendell.
We all remember Fast Eddie ranting about the conservative whites who would not vote for a black candidate.
Speaking of said black candidate, Sen. Obama started as I noted as the post-racial, post-partisan uniter. But the voting trends say otherwise. He is racking up very impressive numbers among blacks and North Carolina being possibly the watershed of the black vote.
There is one race group up for grabs and that is the Hispanic vote.
Hispanics have more or less supported Sen. Clinton. But, there is a divide on that as the older, working class Hispanics have supported Grand Dragon Hillary. Younger, college educated Hispanics are beginning to break for Sen. Barack.
Well, I believe that when all is said and done, Sen. Barack is the Democrat nominee. But there are going to be some hard feelings that eight years of George W. Bush are not going to heal enough to unify the Democrats. And, there is an opportunity for Sen. John "F--- You" McCain to gain some of the leftover Democrats voters who will not support Sen. Barack.
Sen. "F--- You" McCain can get the older, military-serving, Hispanic male vote on a silver platter. These are people who served and would not be comfortable with a Sen. Barack as the commander-in-chief. A natural Sen. "F--- You" McCain constituency.
And, there is the aforementioned disillusioned white voters that will not support Sen. Barack. These are what is left of the Reagan Democrats. Here, Sen. "F--- You" McCain does not have to play up their fears. Sen. Barack and the pit bull, aka Michelle Obama, are doing that quite well, thank you. Sen. "F--- You" McCain needs to remind these voters of the promise of the America that one Ronald Wilson Reagan spoke and believed in. In other words, Sen "F--- You" McCain has to drop the senator armor and speak from the heart about America. About the goodness of America. About what the American dream means not just to Americans but to the world.
What this Death match among Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama has exposed is the racial rift that had been under wraps within the Democrat party. Now it has exploded and there is no way it gets put back in time for November.


Pat Jenkins said...

need i remind you 64 hillary ain't never been called a negro.. maybe that's why she's got all them white folk voting for her 64!... of course this race has proven who the real racists are, but has it done anything to the perception the left is the party opposed to bigotry!!

LCRW said...

Ironically, most Republicans are not voting for Obama because he is not a Republican (and a very left wing Democrat to boot)

I think in November, there will be many white downscale Democrats who will have trouble pulling the lever (or punching a chad or pushing a button or whatever) for a funny looking black man with a funny sounding name.

Yet Republicans are the ones labeled bigots...........