Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hillary Wins!

Really, to no one's surprise, Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) defeated rival Sen. Barak Obama (D-Ill) in the much ballyhooed Pennsylvania primary tonight.
Sen. Clinton defeated Sen. Obama 54%-46%, an eight-point margin. It is nothing to write home about, but as noted in the previous post, Sen. Clinton could have won by one vote and she would keep going.
As noted, she has the Florida and Michigan trump card up her sleeve.
The Democrat convention in Denver in the heat of August ought to be a doosy!


Incognito said...

well, you know rush limbaugh will take credit for her win, you know. his whole operation chaos. just keep them fighting each other and Mccain's a shoe in.

Righty64 said...

And, Rush will be right. I was listening to Dennis Prager today and he does not like this Operation Chaos. But, I wished that I could have called. The whole point is that those Dems not voting in their primary had come to our side and gave us Sen. McCain. I for one liked that the Republicans closed the primary in California to Republicans only. EVERY party, Democrats and Republicans, need to close the primary to those in the respective parties. If independents do not like the choices, hello, join a party. And, there would be none of this Operation Chaos. See what happens in 2012!

Incognito said...

frankly, the whole US voting system needs a major overhaul. like everyone voting on the same day. not months apart. among other things.

Righty64 said...

I am not sure I like that solution. I think a true rotating, regional primary would be OK, but not all on one day. What has been great about all of this has been that these candidates have had to campaign in parts of the United States that have been ignored in years. I think that Michael Barone has written about a rotating, regional primary.

Incognito said...

Don't we all vote in November on the same day?

Righty64 said...

Yes, you are correct. BUT, the party nominees are already decided. My question is that if we had a "national primary day", how and where would candidates run ads and the like? How would they be able to connect with voters in specific states? Would it not cost more? I still think that the rotating, regional primary is the way to go. Oh, and rotate Alaska and Hawaii into different regions every four years. Just to make it interesting!

Incognito said...

Frankly, i find it obscene the amounts of money they spend on campaigning and how he who has the most often wins the nom... though that didn't seem to work for Romney.

I still think they should all answer a series of questions that gets sent to every registered voter, by mail.. then they get to have a series of debates and be done with it. that's how we vote for our union reps. sans the debates. :-)

Righty64 said...

Yes, but if the Dems have their way, you won't have to worry about the way you vote to get a union in the door in the first place. I am actually enjoying this debate. And, I do agree about the money that is spent all the way around. But, I thought that the Campaign Finance Reform scam was going to clean up this mess? Of course it did not. BTW, I think the main reason that a one-day primary does not work is that it supresses the right of state parties to determine when and how they will have their primaries/caucuses. If Iowa and New Hampshire agreed to do thier thing on the same day, that could lead to the rotating, regional primary. And, hold it in the spring, to get more people to participate. And, CLOSE the primary/caucus to members of said parties. I for one do not like independents and crossovers interfering in choosing the party nominee. That is why Operation Chaos must continue. It will be the only way to meaningful reform.