For those of you who do not live in California and think that many us who do are just a wee bit out there, there is a reason why.
For this is where the left of the left of the Democrats try their best to force their social engineering and eventually it spreads like a virus across the United States.
Take this lovely assault on the "bitter" people Beer tax hike sought - Pasadena Star-News.
Now, what do you notice is not being taxed here? How about wine and hard liquor? Why not those items? After all, they are all adult beverages, correct?
Well, Assemblyman Jim Beall (D-San Jose) claims that he has done the research and beer is under taxed in comparison with other states and that wine and hard liquor are comparable.
It is nothing but a shell game. If the tax is suppose to go underage drinking prevention, a worthy cause, crime prevention and health care services, then why not a tax hike on all adult beverages?
The dirty secret is the same as the assault on cigarette smokers. These are supposedly the uneducated, minority, lower-income people. I mean, who consumes wine and hard liquor? The upper-income people. Same about cigar-smokers. Of course when the cigar smokers are led by Gov. Arnold, well it is a non-starter.
Do you like how this Beall fellow twists why the beer tax should be raised 1,400%? To be level to other states.
I would argue that is the reason why it should not be raised. Just like any taxes should not be raised.
See, the Democrats try the two-for-one. We will stop people from drinking beer, such a low-brow thing, and help people with health care costs. It is the typical robbing Peter to pay Paul. And of course, go after Joe Sixpack. As they have done with Joe Smokestack.
I do not consume adult beverage except for non-alcholic beer and wine every now and then. But that does not mean I want to go after them because I may or may not like what they drink and or don't drink.
That is the problem with the Democrats. They not only want to raise your taxes but by golly they are going to get you healthy too. Social engineering at its height.
Fortunately, this looks like it may go nowhere, but the fact that it is even proposed should show the rest of the United States what we who do not want to be over taxed and over regulated and over-mommied have to put up with.
1 comment:
a tad bit off the subject but i keep threatening the ones around my house i may take to smoking a cigar every now and then to enjoy the "finer" things of life. i keep getting told no way... huh wonder why?.... ahhh the sin tax 64. easily thrown on those filthy people who drink and smoke. but if these health deniers don't continue their habits who pray tell will be footing the bills these taxes have been set aside to pay for.. you got it the rest of us!!
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