Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dennis Prager TALKS With Pastor John Hagee

Radio talker Dennis Prager http://www.townhall.com/TalkRadio/Show.aspx?RadioShowId=3&C today actually talked to Pastor John Hagee, the left-wing's feeble attempt to smear Sen. John "F--- You" McCain with the "Rev." Jeremiah Wright brush.
Pastor Hagee's real sin, and this is rich, is that he is "anti-Catholic". Read, anti-Roman Catholic.
The Democrats are trying desperately to drive a wedge between evangelical and Roman Catholics in an attempt to bring them back into the fold. That is why they brought up the whole Bob Jones University "controversy" in 2000 when then-candidate Gov. George W. Bush went to speak and get their support.
Coalitions are built on common interests. When one goes beyond the common interest, then one will find where they separate. That is the case between evangelicals and Roman Catholics.
Clearly, there are theological disagreements. And, that is OK. On some issues, both sides have strong agreement. On doctrine, well that is a different story. Oh, and it is how there are Protestants and Roman Catholics. Unlike the bad old days, the debate is civil and carried on in the academic sense.
But, those pesky Dems are, to coin a phrase, throwing the kitchen sink trying to divide the evangelicals from traditional Roman Catholics and a chink in the conservative armour.
Listen to the interview and judge for yourself.


Incognito said...

One of my colleagues brought Hagee's anti-Islam stance when I responded to a pro-Obama email he had sent and I mentioned Rev. Wright.

Feeble, indeed.

Pat Jenkins said...

divide and conquer is exactly right 64, and to be expected!!