Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Conservatives Have Two Good Candidates

I wrote my thoughts on last night's results and I do not want to rehash except that I have given some serious thought to a Romney-Huckabee alliance and the more that I think about it, the better it sounds.
Read on and do not think that I have left the planet.
The Huckabee people should get one thing through their heads. Sen. "F--- You" McCain is not going to nominate the Rev. Mike as his running mate. Once he serves his purpose in dividing the conservative base, Sen. "F--- You" McCain will dispose him to the side.
So, the Romney people, myself included, need to realize that once the divide and conquer strategy of the McCain braintrust is complete, the good senator will stray back to the Sen. "F--- You" McCain of the immigration debate yore.
We need each other.
It is obvious that the Rev. Mike has a following and does have a way of connecting with people. I think that there is a genuiness to him that I do not see in Sen. "F--- You" McCain. If I hear "My friends" one more time I will scream. Back to the Rev. Mike. Also, he is the only candidate who has talked about a real tax reform plan. But, he needs to learn more about private-sector economics and that class envy is unbecoming of a conservative Republican. And, he needs to learn not to be afraid of Mormons.
Mr. Romney needs to learn more about evangelicals and how important to really reach out to people. He needs to let people know that his coming around on the critical social issues is something on his heart. Kind of like President Bush in dealing with his alchohol addiction.
They both need to surround themsleves with serious, bright conservative and not-so-conservative thinkers on national security and foreign affairs.
The reality is that between them, they have the majority of conservatives in the Republican party. They just do not realize it because they think that if they keep going, they will be able to have some influence riding into the convention is St. Paul, Minnesota.
Not going to happen.
The signs are very ominous for a blowout in November.
Sen. "F--- You" McCain can not really say that he is the choice of the majority of Republican voters and caucus attendees. The best state he has won so far is New Jersey with 55% of the vote. It is a state that if he is the nominee, he will never go back to in the general election campaign. Sen. "F--- You" McCain is averaging about 40% of the votes in primaries and caucuses.
Since vanity will prevail instead of logic, both the Rev. Mike and Mr. Romney will be just given a night, maybe, to speak at the convention. That is all.
But, together they can be the face of the Republican future.
Both are reliable conservatives. They have shown their passion and it is not to pass a liberal agenda. Yes, they have made mistakes, but they do not show contempt for the base and the larger Republican party.
As noted many times here, Ronald Reagan did compromise and yes, made mistakes as president. Even as governor of California. But, it was never from the liberal side of things. He would be rolling his eyes that anyone would believe, hook, line and sinker in globaloney warming. He would have never, ever signed "campaign finance reform" into law. He proved that congress was so wrong in not funding the Nicaruagan rebels that he made a deal to sell arms to Iran, a sworn enemy, because a greater enemy, communism, was making a beachead in Central America. Waterboarding? I think that if it saved American lives and prevented a terrorist attack, he would do the waterboarding himself.
Because the Great Man was a unique politician. A man of ideas and convictions. He never wavered on the big stuff.
We do not have that now. We could be stuck with Sen. John McCain Nixon as our nominee. He all but destroyed the Republican party and had the kind of temprement and dark side that I see in Sen. "F--- You" McCain.
But, there are two new national voices for conservatism, a proven and winning ideology, and they are Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee.
They need to work together because the issues are larger than their personalities.


Pat Jenkins said...

in theory this sounds great 64. feasibility wise i don't know. the huck has the majority of evangelicals. who will vote against romney because he is mormon. in their eyes he is a heretic. so no way you get his supporters. most of romney's backers probably think huck is a fool, so you wont have them joining his band are right, we need the conservative base united. and that is the problem we have. for no candidate or person has been able to do that!.. your prediction of a blowout in november is accurate. i don't want to sound defeatist, but it may be inevitable.

Anonymous said...