Saturday, July 07, 2007

The Right's Fight Over Romney

In the wonderful world of the blogosphere, there is a fight between two not so inconsequential figures on the conservative side over the candidacy of former Republican governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney.
On one side, there is Jim Geraghty of National Review who wrote a recent online piece that added up, what might be to some, odd quirks about Mr. Romney. In the piece, he really never addresses what seems to be the fascination of the DDBMSM over the candidate being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, AKA the Mormons. After reading his piece, there is a legitimate point that when all the quirks or oddities add up, then the DDBMSM can slam Mr. Romney but good on being a Mormon. I, for one, do not believe it was indented on being a hit piece in anyway.
On the other side is radio talker Hugh Hewitt, who has written the definitive book on the candidate, "A Mormon In The White House? Ten Things Everyone Should Know About Mitt Romney." It is a wonderful read and is an eye opener as to what a potential Romney administration would look like, using the time Mr. Romney was governor of Massachusetts. Mr. Hewitt believes that Mr. Geraghty has stumbled into the DDBMSM bashing of Mr. Romney. To a small point, that is true. But the larger picture is that it will be the DDBMSM M.O. in how they will go after Mr. Romney if he is in fact the Republican presidential nominee.
So, I think that they are both right. But, neither really points this out. Mr. Romney should tell the DDBMSM to buzz off about the Mormon religion and the effect on what a Romney presidency would be like. The most salient point for Mr. Romney is to point out how he won election and how he governed in the bluest of blue states, Massachusetts. If Mr. Romney is such a space case, wackadoo, or anything of that nature, he would have not been the governor of what is commonly referred to as Taxachussets. Mr. Romney needs to emphasize the fact that he does have a normal, nuclear family in this age of deep uncertanty about the traditional family. Mr. Romney also has a lot of time because of this the Longest March to the American presidency ever.
Let me be clear, I am a Romney supporter. I think Mr. Romney has a Reaganesque optimism about him that is going to be very important in this upcoming election. He does emphasize making government smaller, lower taxes and will be open to new ideas about taxation in the United States. He also calls the common enemy to the United States and western civilization what they are-Jihadists. He also wants to rebuild and expand the military and no other candidate is even talking in those terms in either party.
But, we need to hash all of this out now, when it is still early. This can only help, not hinder, Mr. Romney if he talks about these issues in plain, simple terms so that he does have practice if, God forbid, the Democrats do nominate Sen. Hilary Clinton (D-NY).
I think why candidates like Mr. Romney and Sen Barrack Obama (D-Ill) are attractive is that they are new, fresh and may stop the excessive polarization in American politics. There are a lot of pointless, petty "issues" that people talk about without realizing that not only is President Bush's numbers in the toilet, but so is the Democrat congress. While President Bush was trying to shove a bad immigration bill down the throats of the United States, congress has spent most of it's time on a binge of investigations against the Bush administration. Three-hundred separate investigation in the first 100 days of the Democrat congress
I think people like Mr. Romney and Sen. Obama are the kind of candidates that can put an end to pointless politics in America.
So, while there is a little dissension on the right over a Romney candidacy, if Mr. Romney handles it right now, the DDBMSM and the Democrats they hope it will help will be found to be obnoxious and that would be a huge victory in this, the Longest March in United States presidential history.


Pat Jenkins said...

i like romney 64. is he conservative enough to win the nomination, i don't know. he may not have to be the strongest conservative though, and simply be the best candidate.

Incognito said...

I think at this point.. we need to go with the strongest candidate who is able to beat a Clinton or Gore nomination... cos mark my words Gore is going to run. {hope I don't have to eat those] :-)