Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Gridlock Is GOOD!

I do not get to listen to Rush Limbaugh as much as I would like to as I do not get the radio station he is on in my office and because there is wonderful host, Dennis Prager, on the same time here on the left coast, deep in the heart of blue California.
But, El Rushbo, a little Spanish lingo as Mr. Limbaugh would say, hit is right on the head today and it is at his website http://rushlimbaugh.com.
Why in the world would gridlock in Washington would be good? Because while nothing gets done, no crazy legislation gets passed that would, more than likely, but a detriment to most Americans.
And, that is what has happened since the Democrat takeover of congress last November.
The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) had a real catchy slogan, "Six for '06" which was suppose to be the big agenda of the Democrats. Well, out of the six, only one has actually become law, the minimum wage hike. The minimum wage is a loser for Republicans because it is more ingrained in most Americans that it is a right to be paid a "living wage." It is more ingrained than Social Security. So, there is the big legislation from the House. They are busy with investigation after investigation of the Bush administration. That is good for they will not vote and suggest silly legislation.
Ditto that for the senate. They could not pass the hallmark of the Bush administration, the "comprehensive immigration reform" bill-scam. They too are busy with investigating the Bush administration. Good, they too can not vote or pass bad legislation.
So, it is a good short term strategy, but in the long run, if a Republican wins the White House in 2008, it would be good if there was a Republican congress.
I think that, for the most part, they learned their lesson from the election of 2006. Don't stray from what you believe in. Smaller government. Republicans can not be Democrat lite. It does not work for voters are smart enough to vote for the real deal, Democrats, if that is what they get in a Republican.
So, for at least the next year and a half, Mr. Limbaugh is correct and gridlock is good.

1 comment:

Pat Jenkins said...

let's hope we have it for some time.