Thursday, July 12, 2007

Barbara Boxer, California's Embarrassing Junior Senator

Being from California to many Americans is bad enough. But to have Barbara Boxer "representing" me and my fellow Californians is an outright embarrassment and today's latest shot across the bow regarding potential impeachment of President Bush solidifies that claim to fame.
Sen. Boxer was on liberal radio talk show, the one success, Ed Schultz when she blathered on that "impeachment should not be off the table." Not off the table? It shouldn't even be under the table.
Whenever anyone talks impeachment, we should always ask for what reason. Well, Sen. Boxer laid out a list of them, but none of her citations has been proven to be against the constitution and or rising to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors.
But, 300 separate investigations are an attempt to find a smoking gun. While Democrats like Sen. Boxer feel that is a worthwhile time that congress should be spending, nothing of real substance is getting done. And while in a half-joking way I thought that was good, it is not good to see congress going down this road. And leading the misfits is Sen. Boxer.
To say that Sen. Boxer is a liberal is like saying the Pope is German. She is to the left of almost everyone in the United States senate. She is the street fighter compared to the senior senator from the Golden State, Diane Feinstein. Sen Feinstein is one that I strongly disagree with, but unlike Sen. Boxer, Sen. Feinstein is not disagreeable.
The fact that a senator, with no proof of any deliberate wrongdoing on the part of President Bush or any one in the administration, says that impeachment should be out there like a Damocles sword shows that she does not realize that the whole reason for impeachment is not to be on a political witch hunt.
So, why did I FAVOR impeachment of former President Clinton? Because he did violate the law. Not in having relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky, but in lying about it under oath in a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by Paula Jones. If a president is willing to so easily lie to cover him or herself from charges of sexual harassment, then the course of action that congress took had to happen. Never mind that the reason it was all found out was because of the special prosecutor, Kenneth Starr, investigating the matter under the Whitewater investigation. It was the special prosecutor law that the Democrats fought for in the wake of the Watergate scandal. But, when it was turned against their own, President Clinton, Democrats joined Republicans in scrapping the law, which was unnecessary to begin with. It was an overreaction to Watergate.
I am sorry to digress, but a little history was needed.
If this congress had some legislative accomplishments, maybe all their poking and prodding can be somewhat overlooked. But, it is the investigations, subpoenas, and the time being wasted that makes this Democrat congress a travesty. So, leave it to Sen. Boxer to be the ringmaster of this circus.
If people like Sen. Boxer and her gang want to continue to turn more people off from politics and the process, by all means keep this up. For Sen. Boxer, et al, it is all about getting even. Too bad there are 300 million other people that would like to see Sen. Boxer and the gang actually to some real work. That would get in the way of trying to oust President Bush.
I apologize to the rest of the United States that the good people of California keep sending this embarrassment back to Washington, D. C. every six years. Maybe next time. . .


Pat Jenkins said...

i have often wondered where the outcry from the people of this country is when any democrat opens his or her mouths and spews absolute idiocy such as this. along with most of their "opinions" this completely simple.

Incognito said...

California does have it's fair share of lib wackos. Lived there for 16 years.

Karen Townsend said...

Good post. You do have quite the pair there, with those two senators!

Feinstein, in particular, is high entertainment on C-SPAN as I watch her impersonate an attorney on the Judiciary Committee.

Boxer is just nuts.