Tuesday, June 26, 2007

No Matter What On Immigration, We Need To NOT Leave The GOP

As I think about this immigration debacle, I realize that there are a lot a really angry Republicans, myself included, out there. It is not just on immigration, but the Dubai ports scandal, the Harriet Myers fiasco, the general drift of President Bush and topped by an inept GOP congress that lost it bearings and majorities in both houses. But, I do not despair.
I think this is the time to look seriously at those who are running for the Republican presidential nomination. I think it is time for a course correction and maybe shake things up a little.
I do not think that there is anything left for President Bush to do but prosecute the War Against Terror. I mean it. There is no chance for meaningful, conservative and Republican legislation getting through this congress. It is a fact. So, President Bush must continue to be the commander in chief and go for all out victory in the Iraq theatre.
So, when nothing gets done, who will be the blame? Congress of course. That is where smart presidential type leadership will come in.
Out of the top four GOPers, only two maybe able to do the job. Dare I say Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney. Maybe Fred Thompson, but not John "F--- You" McCain.
The GOP does not need to be redefined, its core ideas need to be taken seriously. No more big government conservatism. Return to the roots. Look at new conservative ideas for problem solving. That can only be done by someone not polluted by the stench of Washington DC. Hence, Messrs Giuliani and Romney fit the bill.
We need not to be afraid to call our enemies, radical Islamists, what they are and fight them like an enemy. Again, Mr. Romney always refers to jihadists. We must fight to win, but if that means trying new things or expanding on unused options, we Republicans must not be afraid to try.
We have to remember one thing. Conservatism in the Republican party and practicing those principals is what leads to victory. Ask Newt Gingrich. One could point without a doubt to Ronald Reagan. Weakness and trying to be Democrat lite leads to the 1960's-1970's Republican party, a permanent minority. Many of those who lost in New England in 2006 fit that mentality.
We could just fold up and go home, but Ronald Reagan did not. After losing the presidential nomination in 1976, he went home to California and started a four-year campaign, but a stealth one a that. He re energized a moribund party. He made it cool to be conservative. I think we have to do that again and it is called renewal. It is a good thing every now and then.
So, we have to stay and fight the good fight and be ready to lead again. The American people will call on the Republican party once they realize they can lead with principals.

1 comment:

Pat Jenkins said...

your post points out what the conservative movement truly needs, another great conservative, and none are to be found!!!