Thursday, June 14, 2007

Its Time To Gear Up Against The "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" Bill-Scam

Unfortunately, it appears that the president and allies in the senate are trying to revive the "comprehensive immigration reform" bill-scam with very little changes that an overwhelming number of Americans want.
While many on the blogosphere and conservative talk radio are trying to buck up the senators who may be wobbly on this, I think it is time that Americans let President Bush know personally that we do not need a comprehensive bill now. We need border enforcement, speeding up the building of the whole, not part of, the fence on the southern border. We need to enforce the laws we have now in regard to employers who hire illegals knowingly. See how all of this works for a year, come back and stagger the rest of the bill. If an illegal has been here five years or less, they have to go home, no if ands or buts. Then there will be a willingness to give the rest an opportunity for citizenship. But as it is now, this bill has so many holes that Swiss cheese looks more stable than what the senate is offering.
Also, when the senate comes back with a better bill, make sure not to write it up in the dark of night. Sunshine, senators, sunshine. Any bill done the way this has been done is doomed to failure. As noted, look at the Department of Homeland Security.
Here is the contact information for the White House:
White House switchboard: 1-202-456-2461
I think because the emphasis has been on keeping senators in line, we have forgotten that deluging the president may be the only way to get this out of the senate and done right.
But, don't stop keeping pressure on the senate and your senators. Since I am here in California, here is Diane Feinstien's and Barbara Boxer's contact info:
Diane Feinstein:
Washington office phone number 1-202-224-3841
California main office number 1-415-393-0707
Barbara Boxer:
Washington office phone number 1-202-224-3553
California main office number 1-415-403-0100
Hey, they are both liberal Democrats but they do represent all of us.
Call the White House, the senators and let them know this impending train wreck must be derailed now.


Pat Jenkins said...

64, i had a chance to catch Bush's speech on this today, and he talked a good game of border security and such, but a stiffer border or not, which i know you are a proponent of, there is no way possible i could support him on this as long as any form of amnesty is present, and that is what all supporters are truly after. let's hope they, congress, listen to the people on this. unfortunately there is no certainty in that!!!

Righty64 said...

Pat and all others. DO NOT GIVE UP! Call, write e-mails to every senator that may be ready to cave and give in to this bill-scam. I would suggest that you read my post on Sen Trent Lott-and start reminding him who he works for-us!