Thursday, June 14, 2007

And They Wonder Why There Is No Support For "Comprehensive Immigration Reform"

What a beautiful job our politicians are doing back in the nation's capital. I mean, one can not take away from this that it really takes a lot to have a president coming in at only 29% popularity but congress is bringing up the rear with a rip-roaring 23%. So, the question is, why do the dweebs in the White House and congress keep trying to pass a bill called "comprehensive immigration reform" when the overwhelming majority of the American people do not support it in the current form? Why does the Democrat congress keep thinking that they are going to get the United States forces out of the Iraq theatre in the War Against Terror without actually voting to cut off the funds, the only way they can do it? This is all that our elected officials seem to be able to talk about, and that is probably why in any given poll, roughly 70% of Americans think the nation is on the wrong track. If these people were in the private sector, heaven forbid, Donald Trump would just have to hit the play button on the taperecorder saying the immortal words, "You're fired!"

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1 comment:

Pat Jenkins said...

64, the incompotance of gov. just proves the point individuals are and should be in control of their lives themselves!!!