Thursday, July 09, 2015

The Age Of Fauxtrage And Case #8,845,265,012

I swear but I think if I hang around social media long enough, I can just write about nothing but fauxtrage and here is the latest example.
I'm sure most readers have seen a tank-top like this in your hometown. If not, look at it carefully.
Do you really think that the reference is about guns as in weapons?
Apparently, a woman in Florida, where else, thinks that this tank-top is about guns as weapons.
At this point, I am doing a violent head shake and facepalm to end all facepalms.
Just think about it one moment.
It's a tank top. What do you notice about a tank top? That when a male is wearing one, the biceps show, right? Kind of like below.
Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum

Most people of all ages know that biceps are referred to as . . .wait for it . . .GUNS! 
Many different things are referred to as guns.
Guitars are sometimes called guns. Guitarists are referred to as gunslingers. They are also referred to as axe and axe men. 
Surfboards are referred to as guns. 
Those are but two examples. 
But that is not about say a .38 special. Or a sawed-off shotgun. 
Referring to a guitar or a surfboard as a gun is like a tank top. Just a reference to sound cool. 
But to Rita Richardson of Sebastian, Florida, this is a reference to the kind of guns that are used in self-defense and crime. Here is what she said:

"I just thought it was sad that major retailers like JC Penny (sic) would want it's brand associated with something that advocates, glorifies gun violence. Well, I would hope they would take it off the shelves immediately."

Glorifies gun violence?! 
Rita, Rita, Rita.
It's a reference to muscles. Biceps in particular. There is never, ever a reference and or a photo or anything about guns. The weapons. 
Oh, here is Rita. 
If you ask me, Rita does not look like a happy camper. She looks like she is, well a sourpuss. Someone with a beef about something. And that something is making a stink about a tank top with a saying that is attractive to young men. 
Rita is a part, a disturbing part, of the American culture that has made fauxtrage the coin of the realm if you ask me. 
The Battle Flag of Northern Virginia flap is but an example. While I agree that the flag should not really fly over state capitols and  the like, the fact that people want to purge it as if the Confederate States of America never existed. And that the War Between the States, or Civil War, was only about slavery and not a clash of the industrial North and the agrarian South. The original idea of removing the BFONV from the South Carolina capitol grounds was admirable and correct. What has followed is total and unmitigated fauxtrage.
But for Rita Richardson, she is the leading fauxtrage playa of the week. 
I would recommend that Rita spend some time with the grand kids who probably know well this kind of stuff. 
There really are more important things to worry about. To be really outraged about. But to diss a company for selling Suns Out, Guns Out tank tops or using the expression as a marketing campaign because you really believe that it is about guns that are weapons, it is disturbing. And a sad devolution of the fauxtrage culture. 

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