Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Medical Maladies And Trying To Be Patient

These days have been quite lousy for your humble blogger. As I wrote recently on my Facebook page, I feel like I have minor-league medical maladies.
However, my latest is not a good one.
Last week, I discovered that I have a case of thrombophlebitis. As Archie Bunker once said "Isn't that what the Democrats gave Nixon?"
Well, not exactly.
Just to remind the youngsters, when Richard Nixon resigned the presidency in 1974, not too long after he was diagnosed with phlebitis. Something not many people knew about. It was rather serious as Mr. Nixon had the worse of the two kinds. He had the Deep Vein Thrombosis.
Essentially, these are blood clots.
What I have is what is called a surface clot. And it is the least serious of the two. Not that there is not the possibility of the clot breaking and travelling through to the heart and causing a heart attack and or death.
But, I am not the best of patients.
I wished that this was over and done with yesterday.
But, following doc's orders, I am elevating my right leg as much as possible and putting a hot pack three times a day. And I am on coumadin, a blood thinner.
Not even my blood is thin!
But seriously, this is important for those reading this.
Do not mess around. If you believe that you have a problem like this, see your doctor yesterday. If you can not see your regular doctor, go to an urgent care or emergency room. The faster it is diagnosed, the faster that one can take care of the condition and recover.
And follow what the doc tells you to do. It can and will save your life.

1 comment:

An Unmarried Man said...

Geez, when did this start? What werer your symptoms? But perhaps, the most important question: does this just give you a really good excuse to sit on your butt all day doing nothing????