Sunday, March 06, 2011

The Dear Leader's Reelection Is Inevitable-So Why Even Bother To Have A Campaign?

A theme that the Obamawhore media, and a few conservatives will buy into is that despite all the bad news, President Obama is probably going to win reelection in 2012.
Firstly, do not believe that for one moment. Nothing is that much of a lock 18 months until election day.
But, that did not stop Fox News Channel's Juan Williams from peddling this line on Fox News Sunday. That many people in the Republican party believe that no matter what, Barack Hussein Obama will be reelected president. And that the whole point of Mitt Romney running, as an example, is to pad speaking fees and the like.
Earth to Juan! Earth to Juan! Mitt Romney is a m i l l i o n a i r e. More of a millionaire than anyone of us will know. He does not have to have his mug out there to make a few extra millions. If Mr. Romney will run, it should be because he believes that he can beat the Dear Leader, President Obama.
But that is the theme the Obamawhore media wants many to believe.
Here is an article that appeared on Yahoo!.com.
And another article from the conservative Daily Caller that seems to think, yeah, BHO is gonna win again.
But just keep saying it and it will happen, right?
Well, here is something that should blow that whole theory out of the water.
A recent poll by Gallup showed that the Dear Leader, President Obama's positive/negative ratings by each state.
It is not good news.
The reliably liberal, Blue states on the coasts are still in the Dear Leader's corner. But, the Dear Leader, President Obama, is losing ground in states he won in 2008 and these are states he needs to win again if he should be reelected.
In Colorado, Indiana, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Virginia, key to the Dear Leader's victory in 2008, the numbers are going down. If not underwater.
If the Dear Leader, President Obama, does not keep these states in his column, he might want to get the measurements to the old home in Hyde Park.
These eight states are going to be key to the Dear Leader, President Obama, and his chances to win reelection. If they are in the same state at the end of this year, it is a real sign that the Dear Leader, President Obama, will be in serious trouble. Not coasting to reelection.
Remember, many of these same people did not get the fact that Hillary Clinton was not going to be the Democrat nominee for president in 2008. And few, if any, really thought ol' Sen. John "F--- You" McCain was going to be the Republican nominee.
Another factor is that the Dear Leader, President Obama's historic victory in 2008 is now history. People on all sides now see a record for the Dear Leader, President Obama. To me, it is a bleak one. To many independents, it is a disappointment. To some of the true believers, they do not know what to make of the Dear Leader, President Obama. Some do not see him as all that much change that he promised.
Will the Dear Leader, President Obama, get that coalition back that won him the White House in 2008?
I do not believe that he will with the same passion and zeal. And he will not have the kind of conservative support that he did in 2008. For better or worse, the Dear Leader, President Obama, is the establishment. The very establishment so many of those that supported him in the first place that they do not like.
A lot of incumbents seemed unbeatable in past elections.
Oddly enough, Jimmah Carter was very alive in 1980. It appeared that the American people were more worried about Mr. Reagan than Mr. Carter. Until he went on to debate Mr. Reagan on October 28, 1980. Then the nation switched gears overnight and Mr. Reagan went on to a 44-state landslide.
We can not and should not let the Obamawhore media, or any so-called conservative enablers, tell anyone that the Dear Leader, President Obama, is a lock on reelection. He is not and should not be. On that we conservative, moderate and even liberal Republicans should agree.
Or we can save a lot of time and money and coronate the Dear Leader, President Obama, to his final term in office.
But that is why we have elections. Because in the end, the people make the decision, not the pundits. Period.

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