Thursday, December 24, 2009

Some Christmas Reading

On this Christmas Eve, I came across a couple of columns that are directly tied to the struggle within the Anglican Communion and especially the Episcopal Church.
The first is this from Dr. Ephraim Radner as to trying to stay in the Episcopal Church but realizing that it is all but dead as a faithful Christian witness.
It is a really great way that Dr. Radner frames what ails the Episcopal Church, the struggle between the establishment and the "global South". It also provides a hope for those of us that want to remain in the Episcopal Church, but very pained at the course that it is on.
But, if one is tired of the war within the Episcopal Church, here is George Will and his take on the Roman Catholic Church, especially Pope Benedict and his attempt to woo disaffected Anglicans and by extension Episcopalians to the Roman church.
I want to share this from Mr. Will's column:

The election of a gay Episcopalian as New Hampshire's bishop was one brick over a load for conservatives, who think the Episcopal Church has become a at prayer -- liberal politics in vestments.

And that is what so many of us think of the current state of the Episcopal Church. That is has become a shill for the Democrat party.
I do not know how many Anglicans and or Episcopalians will become Roman Catholics. I know that for me it is a bridge too far. Although I love and respect a lot of High Church worship, I do not accede to Roman Catholic doctrine. And it is not talked about how many will leave for other Protestant Christian demonstrations of faith. And worse of all is how many will leave the Christian faith all together.
If nothing else, it makes for great Christmas reading.

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