Monday, December 21, 2009

Ben Nelson And Rudy Guiliani-Why Moderates Can Not Be Trusted

Look at this. It appears that the former New York City mayor, Rudy Giuliani, is not going to run for the senate. Or any other office for that matter.
Mr. Giuliani does have a lot of baggage indeed. But, it is all out there for the world to see. And it would be pointless for fellow Republicans and opposition Democrats to harp on the baggage.
But what it shows is something that both parties, Democrats and Republicans, are beginning to recognize.
That moderates can not be trusted.
Sure, Sen. Ben Nelson held out his hand to the Democrat majority leader in the senate, Sen. Dingy Harry Reid. Sen. Dingy Harry said how much and where do you want it. And now, the rest of the 49 states get to give Nebraska Medicaid recipients a free ride. If the so-called health-care "reform" scam makes it through the conference between the House and Senate.
Thus, a supposed pro-life Democrat showed that for the right price, he will go out with a whimper and let the federal government fund elective abortions. Something that Sen. Nelson has long said that he is against.
For us Republicans, the list of moderates that cave when push comes to shove is long and not so illustrious.
Right here in the once Golden State, we are led by supposed moderate "Republican" governor Benedict Arnold Schwarzenegger. Yes, we overlooked the liberal stands on social issues. We figured that he would be right on the state budget, taxes and the economy. What we have been treated to is Democrat former governor Gray Davis, with a personality. On taxes, Gov. Benedict Arnold caved. On growing the state budget, Gov. Benedict Arnold caved. On the economy, Gov. Benedict Arnold has no clue as he continues to worship at the altar of the Globaloney Warming Fraud Cult.
But, that is here in California.
There are so-called moderate Republicans that permeate within the party like bad Limburger cheese.
For the Democrats, it well maybe a moderate such as Congressman Bart Stupak (D-Mich) that may kill the so-called health-care "reform" scam. And, unlike Sen. Payoff Nelson, Congressman Stupak may jettison the whole bill and take a lot of pro-life House Democrats with him. Whether it will be enough with a unified Republican party to kill the bill in conference remains to be seen. But, with all the clamor on the left, well I do not think that it is all just huffing and puffing.
Thus the base of each party caters to so-called moderates and get burned in the end. And the people that suffer are the American people. And the people in any given state. Any given county. Any given city.
Moderation is sometimes a virtue. But, by and large, it is done with the moderate looking out for his or her own skin. Not for the people he or she represents. Not for what he or her ran on. Just how can I win the next election. How can I climb up the political ladder.
Thus, it is a plague on both parties. And how sometimes we get hoodwinked by moderates.
Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) said that he would rather have 30 good conservatives in the senate rather than a bunch of moderates. And I understand why he said it. And while I do agree in a sentimental way, I am still willing to look at moderates so long as they have a line in the sand and stand by it. I do not like nor support a moderate that sticks his or her finger in the wind and goes with the tide. It is not leadership. It is just looking out for self interest.
Thus, both parties may get burned in the next year by moderates. And we shall see if the American people want to continue playing this game. And trying to trust people that show no backbone when it counts.

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