Friday, December 08, 2006

Someone Needs To Defend Dennis Prager

Poor Dennis Prager! He is making one of the most salient points about the evils of multiculturalism in the United States and no one, not even the most conservative out there seems to be defending him when he is right. Well, I will
This is in reference to a column he wrote ( in reference to the newly elected Keith Ellison, congressman from Minnesota, and that he will be taking the oath of office on the Koran rather than the Holy Bible. Prager had the nerve, the nerve I tell you, to suggest that he not take the oath on the Koran but instead on the Holy Bible as have every other congressman, Christian or not, has done in the previous 230 years of America.
Well, after that firestorm, Mr. Prager amended that to let Mr. Ellison take the oath on the Koran and the Holy Bible. Still, no one has looked at this as multiculturalism and multireligiousity gone amok.
But look, no one is saying that Mr. Ellison can not practice Islam, but what Islam supports and runs counter to is the Sharia law, based in part on the Koran. Not to go into the history of the Sharia, but lets just say it is alive and well in Saudi Arabia.
Like it or not, our founding was based in the strong belief of many of the founding fathers in the Christian belief that all comes from God, including law. That is something Mr. Ellison and most Christians can in fact agree on. So, why the resistance and intransigence by Mr. Ellison and the CAIR crowd? Because it would put Islam as equal with Christianity and thus one does not really know if when the United States constitution conflicts with Shari, where will Mr. Ellison's loyalties lie? How will he vote? No answer on that because no one wants to bring up those points.
I say that Mr. Ellison should take the oath with both the Koran and the Holy Bible as a recognition that the Holy Bible is the basis for law and order and that the Koran is the holy book of the God he worships. That is what Mr. Prager has come to.
Rather than to out and out lie as the opponents of Mr. Prager do by saying that he said in his column that this would lead to a neo-Nazi wanting to do the oath on Mein Kampf, read the column.
I think we should have a reasonable debate on this issue, but I also think that Mr. Ellison should be thankful that this is happening here, not in the land of Islam.

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