Tuesday, December 20, 2005

HO HO HO From the New York City Transit Workers

I see that the New York City transit workers went on strike this morning, at the lovely hour of 3am local time.
As they cry for more money, striking illegally, thousands of New Yorkers are left stranded.
For how long is only a guess at this point.
While "Republican" Mayor Michael Bloomberg walked over the Brooklyn bridge, or the plank, to show solidarity with the stranded commuters, another "Republican", Gov. George Pataki issued a whinny statement essentially saying "Please go back to work." the union bigwigs must be laughing themselves silly.
After hosing California Gov. Arnold Schwartzenegger is the recent special election, public employee unions must think all "Republican" officials are easy pushovers.
I remember a former Governor, Calvin Coolidge, came to national prominence by stopping an illegal police strike in Boston.
Another president, Ronald Reagan, stopped an illegal strike by air traffic controllers cold. He fired them!
Do we have to dig Republicans like this out of the history pages to show what to do with illegal strikers? I hope not

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