Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Chris Christie Is Right-2012 Presidential Race No Cakewalk For GOP

I am not always in agreement with the Republican New Jersey governor, Chris Christie.
But, Gov. Christie is right on one thing.
The Republicans can not count the 2012 presidential chickens before they hatch.
In a Facebook chat yesterday. Gov. Christie said this about the 2012 race:

"Anyone who underestimates the president underestimates at their own peril," Christie said. "(Democrats) know how to campaign, they know politics. ... People who believe he's a shoo-in loser are wrong."

On this, Gov. Christie gets it.
Way too many of my fellow conservatives and Republicans think that the American people are ready to throw the Dear Leader, President Obama, out on his ear come November, 2012. And that maybe the case. But if the election were to be held today, based on these polls, the Dear Leader, President Obama would win. Not necessarily by a landslide, but he would win.
It is not a surprise to your humble blogger.
The Dear Leader, President Obama, will raise the most money evah. He will have a bevy of allies including his Obamawhore-worshiping media darlings. And there is the power of incumbency.
That is why it is important that no matter who is the Republican presidential nominee, save for Congressman Ron Paul or the former Utah governor, Jon Huntsman, Jr., to rally the troops to the main cause.
Clearly, any of the front-runners for the Republican presidential nomination are preferable over the Dear Leader, President Obama.
And the polls I do link have some interesting caveats.
One, all the polls involving former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, show him gaining ground on the Dear Leader, President Obama. As Mr. Gingrich is gaining traction with Republican voters, this solidifies that trend.
The businessman, Herman Cain, is starting to fade. I like Mr. Cain, but I fear that the amateurishness of his campaign is wearing thin on independents and some Republicans. I am not sure he can recover in time for the Iowa caucus.
That leaves the front-runner, former Massachusetts governor, Mitt Romney. His campaign is a well-oiled machines and Mr. Romney polls the best head-to-head against the Dear Leader, President Obama. And in looking at the Real Clear Politics average of all polls, Mr. Romney and the Dear Leader, President Obama, are essentially in a dead heat.
Most important caveat is that all the polling is national.
We do not know a lot about the early states such as Iowa, New Hampshire, Florida, South Carolina. That is where the GOP nomination maybe decided.
But the thrust of Gov. Christies comment is that we can not and should not underestimate anything from Team Obama and the Democrat party.
This maybe it for them for at least four years. The Republicans may have two of the three branches of the federal government in Washington. They know that if they do not win at least the White House again in 2012, people may get comfortable enough with one-party rule to re-elect the Republican president in 2016. And that president could alter the course of the United States for a generation.
As I have noted many times, and Gov. Christie is saying that the Democrats eat, live and sleep politics. It is 24/7/365 for these dudes and dudettes. Republicans can not and better not get lazy and or complacent.
On Gov. Christie's warning, conservatives and Republicans take note. He is right and we need to keep our eye on the prize.

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