Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Here is a wish that all accross this great land, the United States of America, that all have a wonderful, safe and Happy Thanksgiving.
I will be giving thanks that I have the freedom to worship God and am a Christian. I also give thanks to those most important in my life, Mrs. rightviewfromtheleftcoast, our son and our dog, Scout, the Wonder Dog. And I give thanks to our extended family and friends. And I give thanks to those who are making the ultimate sacrifice on the battlefields in the front lines in the War Against Islamofacsist Terror. They deserve our love and thanks. I give thanks to those that have been in our lives but are no longer with us. I hope that they are having the eternal banquet in Heaven today and everyday. I give thanks for being able to write this blog and to be able to share my thoughts and views with a large audience. I give thanks for being an American. It is the greatest gift.
There is so much more to be thankful for, but not enough time.
One last thought.
We do not have to put aside one day to show and share our thanks. We should be doing that every day.


Pat Jenkins said...

praise the lord 64.. happy thanksgiving too you and all of yours!!!

Incognito said...

Amen to that Righty!! Happy Thanks giving to you and yours! May you have a blessed one.