Sunday, March 05, 2006

By the time many of you read this, some abysmal movie will have won the 2006 academy Awards. That is because there was nothing but abysmal movies nominated.
But there are more important issues, such as how President Bush can get out of the doldrums and take back the issues that will motivate Republicans and keep the House of Representatives and Senate in GOP hands.
I see the main issue is that this is a point that some things will happen that are beyond the control of any president or any one else. Hurricane Katrina was one them.
But there are some things that are IN the president's control such as the botched ports deal.
Without going in to the details, there is a bottom line.
When you can not keep your own base on an issue, save face, cut the losses and get out.
I don't like that any more than I am sure Mr. Bush, but that is the reality at this moment. Find a way out and fight another day with more ammo to use to support the position. US naval vessels have also landed in Red China, so to say that as the best defense is, well, bad.
Stay on message. The reason you are still in relatively good shape is that your presidency is being defined by the War Against Terror.
Keep talking it up. Tell the American people that it is the TERRORISTS and their allies fomenting potential civil war in Iraq. Go after them before they get us. That is the simple, yet correct, rationale in why we are fighting this war.
As far as domestic issues, the GOP is light years ahead of the Democrats on most of the issues affecting day to day life in America. Keep pushing to make the tax cuts permanent. Talk up how the economy is better now than ANYTIME in the much ballyooed Clinton years. Talk about tax reform. Talk about making America an "Ownership Society." Americans will respond to it.
There is one more all encompassing fact.
Mr. President, you have few, if any allies in the "Mainstream media." Yet, you do have to use them as well as more favorable media to your advantage. Yes, you will have to take the lead. Go on with any of the three dolts at the so-called big three networks nightly news. Also, don't forget Fox News Channel or conservative talkradio.Remember. How to win back those that might be disaffected is to go on offense.

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