Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Before Obama This Would Be State-Sponsored Propaganda

Let me start this with a question.
If the president of the United States was, say Mitt Romney, and his signature piece of legislation was finally becoming law of the land, would people think that it is OK for his allies in, say the business community, were given grants to somehow get the administration's position in their advertisements.
Would you call this propaganda?
Of course the left sure would. It would just be how eeeeevvvvviiiiilllll business is.
But when it is the administration of the Dear Leader, President Obama, and a group gives grants to Hollywood writers and producers to make sure a positive message about the so-called Affordable Health Care Act in stories and plot lines, it is OK I guess.
And that is what is being done. 
The California Endowment is a private organization that recently granted $500,000 to provide "information" about what I will now call Obamacare, or shorthand O-Care to writers and producers so that they can tie it in to plot lines on primarily television shows. And just to be fair, they will not leave out the burgeoning Hispanic market too.
And Marvin Kaplan of the University of Southern California Norman Lear Center said that about the grant and what it is aimed to do:

"We know from research that when people watch entertainment television, even if they know its fiction, they tend to believe that the factual stuff is actually factual."

But sadly, people's idea of factual is stretched especially in regard to so-called reality shows. And I'm going to assume that while they are not supposedly scripted shows, you can bet that this will somehow find its way in. Trust me.
But my question remains.
Isn't this nothing but propaganda? And the people that should actually already know all about O-Care since they were all down with it really need aids for them to somehow just slip it in to some show?
Of course this is propaganda.
And while the California Foundation has a right to grant anyone they please, note the group is one of the most left-wing groups around, the Norman Lear Center. A group pre-disposed to favor O-Care.
And here is a comment from David Zingale, a California Endowment senior vice-president:

"We want them to get the facts. We don't believe the government alone can break through with those facts."

So will they really offer facts or what the administration wants to put out there?
Well, according to Arthur Caplan, head of the division of medical ethics at New York University Langone Medical Center, it better mention the warts and all of O-Care:

"If there are drawbacks and glitches and discontent, that should be part of the presentations. It should not be a place to propagandize; it should be a place to have honest, open discussion, wrinkles and all, flaws and all on health reform. Hollywood migh be airbrushing the president's core program, because they are close to the Democrats."

And Dr. Caplan supports O-Care. But he is honest enough to point out the obvious.
Nowhere like Hollyweird are there bigger supporters of the Democrats. There is more diversity among unionized workers than in Hollyweird.
While Dr. Caplan seems to get that O-Care has not had a stellar roll out, I think Mr. Kaplan with the Norman Lear Center is, well kind of buying the left wing's biggest assertion why the government must all but take over one third of the American economy:

"Public health is a common good. Public health is not a partisan issue. America needs to be healthy. People need to have access to health care. That's not a controversial statement."

Uh, Mr. Kaplan, I'm sorry but it is not only controversial but an outright lie.
The poor of the United States does have access to basic health care. There are free clinics. There are doctors that provide service for the poor often at their own expense. And yes, they can always go to an emergency room if they really need to. The rich can always get the very best health care. And no matter what they always will. The middle-class by and large have health insurance through their employers. And there is a substantial segment of the American population that obtains health care by buying individual policies. So to say that people do not have access to basic health care is a lie.
What has been done in the passage of O-Care is a massive redistribution of wealth to give uninsured people health insurance. That a poor person can pay for one of four types of plans that in the past they could not attain. That private insurance companies have to cover people with pre-existing conditions at the same rate as a healthy person. That parents can keep their children on their insurance until they are 26 years-old. That is that basics of O-Care.
To trust that somehow a grant to a very liberal-left group to help writers provide "facts" to the wonders of O-Care without the warts and all is a big, to huge bridge too far.
This is all but state-sponsored propaganda.

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