Saturday, February 06, 2010


Yes, I know that former President Ronald Reagan is off to the Glory. But today if the Great Man were still with us, he would be 99 years old. And Mr. Reagan did make it to 93 years of age.
It is on a day like this that we can remember not just the man as president but what kind of man in general Mr. Reagan was.
This tale from Paul Kengor over at The Corner at National Review Online is one that not only shows Mr. Reagan as the kind of man he was. Also how then National Security Advisor, William Clark, was.
There is something about the kind of person that wants to become president. And the story from Mr. Kengor shows in stark contrast to the Dear Leader, President Obama. Why the Dear Leader, President Obama, told a tale of a supporter that died recently. How the supporter is being buried in an Obama t-shirt. Too bad he could not remember her name. And the fact that he needed to tell such a story at all. It is something that Ronald Reagan would never do.
There is something to be said about a man's character. And what can be said about Ronald Reagan is that he was a good man. One that did not care about it being all about him. It is called leadership.
And can I focus on some major achievements of the Great Man's two terms in office?
The famous 30% across-the-board tax cuts. Which truly led to an economic boom throughout most of the 1980s. And during Mr. Reagan's second term, working with the then majority Democrats in congress for tax reform. Cutting tax brackets and making the highest of three brackets only 35%. Mr. Reagan also changed the majority of American's views on tax policy. That resonates today with the Tea Party movement. And of course it was Mr. Reagan's commitment to defeating Soviet communism. And while most focus correctly on the "Tear down this wall" speech in Berlin, it was what Mr. Reagan did in this hemisphere to bring democracy to Central and South America. And yes, defeat the growing communist influence especially in Nicaragua.
But, there were bad things that Mr. Reagan did as well.
Yes, Mr. Reagan did raise taxes in 1982. Did not like that. And yes, Mr Reagan did support and sign into law an amnesty for illegal aliens in 1986. The Iran-Contra affair was a mistake, but the motivation to defeat the communist government in Nicaragua was correct. And, Mr. Reagan did take the blame for the affair.
But I choose to focus on the good things that Mr. Reagan stood for and did as a politician and a human being. And that is why I celebrate a life well lived, Mr. President. A life well lived.

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